Multiple pause and release actions scenario
Use the multiple pause and release actions scenario to run a sequence of corrective actions and exit the corrective branch when any of them is successful. When a correction completes successfully, the branch job cancels the remaining corrective actions and releases the OKbranch.
Multiple pause and release actions usage
Figure 1 shows the job stream definition.

You must set the parameter ACTION_SWITCH=PAUSE for all the branch jobs except the last one. Therefore, in this scenario, branch jobs BRANCH_1, BRANCH_2, and BRANCH_3 must have ACTION_SWITCH=PAUSE. If you do not specify this parameter, the good child is canceled by one middle branch job.
All branch jobs must point to the same good child.
Ensure that each branch job has a different suffix. For example, in this scenario the names BRANCH_1, BRANCH_2, BRANCH_3, and BRANCH_4 are used.
The best practise is to set the ABEND job as the bad child of the last branch job. The ABEND job calls the system command exit 1. This causes the job to ABEND and its status is propagated to the job stream level.