HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Placing the branch job into the job stream

You can place the generic branch job into the job stream by using the Workload Dynamic Console.

General rules

To place the branch job into the job stream correctly, ensure that:

  • You have only one branch job definition in the HCL Workload Automation database, as described in Defining the branch job and signal job in the database.
  • When you are inserting the branch job into the job stream, you assign it an alias that describes the branch job's positioning within the job stream.
  • Name the first branch job BRANCH_1, the second BRANCH_2, and so on.

Rules valid for all scenarios except the Signal action

The following rules apply to all the scenarios of branch job usage, except for the SIGNAL action:

  • The branch job must have only one predecessor.
  • The branch job must have exactly two child jobs, named as follows:
    • The good child name must start with G_.
    • The bad child name must start with B_.

Rules valid for the SIGNAL action scenario

The following rules apply to the SIGNAL action:

  • You must use two jobs sequentially ordered, as follows:
    • Signal job
    • Branch job
  • The signal job must have only one child, which represents the following branch job.
  • For the signal job, you must set the input parameter ACTION_SWITCH=SIGNAL.
  • For the signal job, you must set the flag Requires Confirmation by editing the branch job's properties.
  • The signal job must have only one predecessor.
  • The branch job must comply with the rules described in Rules valid for all scenarios except the Signal action.