HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

adddep job

Adds dependencies to a job.

You must have adddep access to the job. To include needs and prompt dependencies, you must have use access to the resources and global prompts.


{adddep job | adj} jobselect


See Selecting jobs in commands.
The type of dependency. Specify one of the following. Wildcard characters are not permitted.

at=hhmm[timezone | tz tzname][+n days | mm/dd[/yy]] | [absolute | abs]


deadline=time [timezone|tz tzname][+n day[s | mm/dd[/yy]]


follows=[netagent::][workstation#]{jobstreamname[hhmm [mmdd[/yy]]][.job | @] | jobstream_id.job;schedid}| job[,...] [if 'condition_name[| condition_name][| ...]']

The condition_name variable indicates the name of the condition defined in the job definition. Conditions must be separated by | and enclosed between single quotes. Conditions can be status conditions, based on job status, or other output conditions, based on a mapping expression such as a return code, output variables, or output found in a job log. In each follows statement, you can specify only one dependency type: either status or output conditions. At submission time, you can add status or output conditions, but no joined dependencies.

maxdur=[hhhmm] [onmaxdur action]

mindur=[hhhmm] [onmindur action]

needs=[num] [workstation#]resource[,...]


priority[=pri | hi | go]

prompt="[: | !]text" | promptname[,...]

until time [timezone|tz tzname][+n day[s]] | [absolute | abs] [;onuntil action]

Specifies not to prompt for confirmation before taking action on each qualifying job.
  1. If you add twice a dependency on a job stream to a job, both dependencies are treated.
  2. When using the deadline keyword, ensure the bm check deadline option is set to a value higher than 0 in the localopts configuration file on the workstation you are working on. You can define the bm check deadline option on each workstation on which you want to be aware of the deadline expiration, or, if you want to obtain up-to-date information about the whole environment, define the option on the master domain manager. Deadlines for critical jobs are evaluated automatically, independently of the bm check deadline option.

    For more information about the bm check deadline option, see the section about localopts details in HCL Workload Automation: Administration Guide.

  3. If you add a dependency to a job after it has completed, it is not evaluated. However, any subsequent reruns of the job will process the dependency correctly.


If you do not specify a value for priority, the job reverts to its original scheduled priority. If you do not specify a workstation in follows, needs, or opens, the default is the workstation on which the job runs.

You cannot use this command to add a resource or a prompt as dependencies unless they are already referenced by a job or a job stream in the Symphony file.


To add a resource dependency to job job3 in job stream sked9(0900 02/19/16), run the following command:
adj sked9(0900 02/19/16).job3 ; needs=2 tapes
To add an external follows dependency from to job JOB022 in job stream MLN#SCHED_02(0600 02/24) to JOBA in job stream MLN#NEW_TEST(0900 02/19/16), run the following command:
adj=MLN#NEW_TEST(0900 02/19/16).JOBA ; follows MLN#SCHED_02(0600 02/24/16).JOB022
To add a file dependency, and an until time to job j6 in job stream JS2(0900 02/19/16), run the following command:
adj=WK1#JS2(0900 02/19/16).j6 ; opens="/usr/lib/prdata/file5"(-s %p) ; until=2330

To kill job PAYROLL_JOB in job stream ABSENCES_JS when it has run for more than 9 hours and 1 minute, run the following command:

adj DUBAI#ABSENCES_JS.PAYROLL_JOB ;maxdur=901 ;onmaxdur kill

See also

From the Dynamic Workload Console you can perform the same task as follows:
  1. In the Welcome page, select Monitor your workload, or in the navigation bar at the top of the page, click System Status and Health > Workload Monitoring > Monitor Workload.
  2. Select an engine.
  3. In Object Type, select Job.
  4. From the Query drop-down list, select All Jobs in plan or another task to monitor jobs.
  5. Click Run to run the monitoring task.
  6. From the table containing the list of jobs, select the job to which you want to add a dependency and click Dependencies....
  7. In the Dependencies panel, expand a dependency section and click the button corresponding to the dependency action you want to add.