HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Managing jobs and job streams from back-level agents

About this task

The change in the job stream instance naming convention introduced with IBMIBM® Workload Scheduler version 8.3 requires you to apply the following workaround when issuing command-line commands against a plan generated on an IBM Workload Scheduler version 8.3 (or later) master domain manager from IBM Workload Scheduler version 8.1, 8.2, or 8.2.1 agents:
  • You must use the @ symbol as the first character for the job stream instance identifier. For example the job stream running on CPU1 workstation with identifier 0AAAAAAAAAAAAY3 must be identified in the conman command line as follows:
  • You cannot use the follows keyword when adding a dependency to a job or a job stream or when submitting as a job a command or a file.
  • You cannot use the into keyword to specify the job stream where the job must be added when submitting as a job a command or a file.
For example, to display the information about the job job2 contained in the job stream instance with identifier 0AAAAAAAAAAAAT1 running on CPU1 workstation, run the following command on IBM Workload Scheduler version 8.1, 8.2, or 8.2.1 agents:

These changes will also be seen in reports and logs, and any other places where job stream names are printed or displayed.