Conman commands
This section lists the commands you can run from the conman program.
conman [connection_parameters] ["command[&[command]...] [&]"]
where connection_parameters,
if they are not supplied in the localopts or useropts files,
are the following: [-file filename]
[-host hostname]
[-port port_name]
[-protocol protocol_name]
[-proxy proxy_name]
[-proxyport proxy_port_number]
[-password user_password]
[-timeout seconds]
[-username user_name]
For more details, see Setting up options for using the user interfaces.[workstation#]
{jobstreamname(hhmm[ date]) job|jobnumber}
or: [workstation#]
jobstreamname(hhmm[ date])
or: [workstation#]
- F
- stands for domain managers and fault-tolerant agents.
- S
- stands for standard agents.
Command | Syntax | Workstation types | User Authorization |
adddep job | {adddep job | adj} jobselect |
F | adddep - (use when using prompts and needs) |
adddep sched | {adddep sched | ads} jstreamselect |
F | adddep - (use when using prompts and needs) |
altpass | altpass |
F | altpass |
altpri | {altpri | ap} jobselect | jstreamselect |
F | altpri |
bulk_discovery | {bulk_discovery | bulk} |
F | display |
cancel job | {cancel job | cj} jobselect |
F | cancel |
cancel sched | {cancel sched | cs} jstreamselect |
F | cancel |
checkhealthstatus | {checkhealthstatus | chs} [workstation] |
M,F,S | |
confirm | {confirm | conf} jobselect |
F | confirm |
console | {console | cons} |
F-S | console |
continue | {continue | cont} |
F-S | |
deldep job | {deldep job | ddj} jobselect |
F | deldep |
deldep sched | {deldep sched | dds} jstreamselect |
F | deldep |
deployconf | {deployconf | deploy} [domain!]workstation |
F,S | Permission to start actions on cpu objects |
display | {display file | df} filename [;offline] |
F-S1 | display |
exit | {exit | e} |
F-S | |
fence | {fence | f} workstation |
F | fence |
help (UNIX only) | {help | h} {command|keyword} |
F-S | |
kill | {kill | k} jobselect |
F | kill |
limit cpu | {limit cpu | lc } workstation |
F | limit |
limit sched | {limit sched | ls } jstreamselect |
F | limit |
link | {link | lk} [domain!]workstation |
F-S | link |
listsym | {listsym | lis} [trial | forecast] |
F | |
recall | {recall | rc} [workstation] |
F | display |
redo | {redo | red} |
F-S | |
release job | {release job | rj} jobselect |
F | release |
release sched | {release sched | rs} jstreamselect |
F | release |
reply | {reply | rep} |
F | reply |
rerun |
F | rerun |
resource | {resource | reso} [workstation#] |
F | resource |
setsym | {setsym | set} [trial | forecast] [filenum] |
F | |
showcpus | {showcpus | sc} [[domain!]workstation] |
F-S | list2 |
showdomain | {showdomain | showdom | sd} [domain] |
F-S | list2 |
showfiles | {showfiles | sf} [[workstation#]file] {showfiles | sf} [[workstation#]file] |
F | |
showjobs | {showjobs | sj} [jobselect] {showjobs | sj} [jobselect | |
F | list2 |
showprompts | {showprompts | sp} [promptselect] {showprompts | sp} [promptselect] |
F | list2 |
showresources | {showresources | sr} [[workstation#]resourcename] {showresources | sr} [[workstation#]resourcename] |
F | list2 |
showschedules | {showscheds | ss} [jstreamselect] {showscheds | ss} [jstreamselect] |
F | list2 |
shutdown | {shutdown | shut} [;wait] |
F-S | shutdown |
start | start [domain!]workstation |
F-S | start |
startappserver | startappserver [domain!]workstation |
F-S | Permission to start actions on cpu objects |
startevtp | {starteventprocessor | startevtp} [domain!]workstation |
M4 | Permission to start actions on cpu objects |
startmon | {startmon | startm} [domain!]workstation |
F-S | Permission to start actions on cpu objects |
status | {status | stat} |
F-S | appserver |
stop | stop [domain!]workstation |
F-S | stop |
stop ;progressive | stop ;progressive |
stop | |
stopappserver | {stopappserver | stopapps} [domain!]workstation |
F-S | Permission to stop actions on cpu objects |
stopevtp | {stopeventprocessor | stopevtp} [domain!][workstation] |
M4 | Permission to stop actions on cpu objects |
stopmon | {stopmon | stopm} [domain!]workstation |
F-S | Permission to stop actions on cpu objects |
submit docommand | {submit docommand | sbd} [workstation#]"cmd" |
F-S | submit - (use when using prompts and needs) |
submit file | {submit file | sbf} "filename" |
F-S | submit - (use when using prompts and needs) |
submit job | {submit job | sbj} [workstation#]jobname |
F-S3 | submit - (use when using prompts and needs) |
submit sched | {submit sched | sbs} [workstation#]jstreamname |
F-S3 | submit - (use when using prompts and needs) |
switchevtp | {switcheventprocessor | switchevtp} workstation |
M4 | Permission to start and stop actions on cpu objects |
switchmgr | {switchmgr | switchm} domain;newmgr |
F | start stop |
system | [: | !] system-command |
F-S | |
tellop | {tellop | to} [text] |
F-S | |
unlink | unlink [domain!]workstation |
F-S | unlink |
version | {version | v} |
F-S |
- (1)
- Indicates that you can only display files on a standard agent.
- (2)
- You must have list access to the object being shown if the enListSecChk option was set to yes on the master domain manager when the production plan was created or extended.
- (3)
- Indicates that you can use submit job (sbj) and submit sched (sbs) on a standard agent by using the connection parameters or specifying the settings in the useropts file when invoking the conman command line.
- (4)
- You can use this command on master domain managers and backup masters as well as on workstations installed as backup masters but used as ordinary fault-tolerant agents.