HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4


Assigns the HCL Workload Automation console and sets the message level.

You must have console access to the workstation.


{console | cons}
     [sess | sys]


Sends HCL Workload Automation console messages and prompts to standard output.
Stops sending HCL Workload Automation console messages and prompts to standard output. This occurs automatically when you exit conman.
The level of HCL Workload Automation messages that are sent to the console. Specify one of the following levels:
This is the value the product automatically assigns if you modify any of the arguments for the console and you do not reassign any value to msglevel. With this value the product sends all the messages generated by all agents and for all operations to the console.
No messages. This is the default on fault-tolerant agents.
Exception messages such as operator prompts and job abends.
Level 1, plus job stream successful messages.
Level 2, plus job successful messages. This is the default on the master domain manager.
Level 3, plus job launched messages.


If you enter a console command with no options, the current state of the console is displayed.

By default, HCL Workload Automation control processes write console messages and prompts to standard list files. In UNIX, you can also have them sent to the syslog daemon.


To begin writing console messages and prompts to standard output and change the message level to 1, run the following command:
console sess;level=1
To stop writing console messages and prompts to standard output and change the message level to 4, run the following command:
cons sys;l=4

To display the current state of the console, run the following command:

Console is #J675, level 2, session

675 is the process ID of the user's shell.