HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Customizing the MAIL_ON_ABEND section of jobmanrc.cmd

About this task

You can modify the wording used in the message sent to the users specified in the MAIL_ON_ABEND field of the TWS_home/jobmanrc.cmd configuration file by accessing that file and changing the wording in the parts highlighted in bold. To clarify how to generate the email message, a sample mail program with name bmail.exe is used.
if /I "%MAIL_ON_ABEND%"=="NO" (goto :out) else (goto :mail_on_abend)

REM ******email, task or other action inserted here *******************
if /I "%MAIL_ON_ABEND%"=="YES" (goto :email) else (goto :email_spec)

c:\"Program Files"\utils\bmail.exe -s smtp.yourcompany.com -t %EMAIL_ID% 
-f %COMPUTERNAME%@yourcompany.com -h -a "Subject: Job %UNISON_JOB% abended" 
-b "Job %UNISON_JOB% Job Number %UNISON_JOBNUM% abended"
goto :out

REM set > c:\tmp\abended_jobs\%UNISON_JOB%.j%UNISON_JOBNUM%
c:\"Program Files"\utils\bmail.exe -s smtp.yourcompany.com -t %MAIL_ON_ABEND% 
-f %COMPUTERNAME%@yourcompany.com -h -a "Subject: Job %UNISON_JOB% abended" 
-b "Job %UNISON_JOB% Job Number %UNISON_JOBNUM% abended