HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4


Creates a custom calendar. In UNIX, the Korn shell is required to run this command.


makecal [-V | -U]

     [-c name]
     -d n
       | -e
       | {-f 1 | 2 | 3 -s date}
       | -l
       | -m
       | -p n
       | {-r n -s date}
       | -w n
     [-i n]
     [-x | -z]
     [-freedays Calendar_Name [-sa] [-su]]


Displays the command version and exits.
Displays command usage information and exits.
-c name
Specifies a name for the calendar. HCL Workload Automation keywords (such as Freedays or Schedule) cannot be used as calendar names. The name can contain up to eight alphanumeric characters and must start with a letter. Do not use the names of weekdays for the calendar names. The default name is: Chhmm, where hhmm is the current hour and minute.
-d n
Specifies the nth day of every month.
Specifies the last day of every month.
-f 1 | 2 | 3
Creates a fiscal month-end calendar containing the last day of the fiscal month. Specify one of the following formats:
4-4-5 week format
4-5-4 week format
5-4-4 week format

This argument requires the -s argument.

-i n
Specifies to insert n dates in the calendar.
Specifies the last workday of every month. For this argument to work properly, the production plan (Symphony file) and the holidays calendar must already exist.
Note: Using this argument results in the new calendar also including the last workday of the month that precedes the date of creation of the calendar.
Specifies the first and fifteenth days of every month.
-p n
Specifies the workday before the nth day of every month. For this argument to work properly, the production plan (Symphony file) and the holidays calendar must already exist
-r n
Specifies every nth day. This argument requires the -s argument.
-s date
Specifies the starting date for the -f and -r arguments. The date must be enclosed in quotation marks, and must be valid and unambiguous, for example, use JAN 10 2005, not 1/10/05. See base-date for datecalc on page base-date for more information about date formats.
-w n
Specifies the workday after the nth of the month. For this argument to work properly, the production plan (Symphony file) and the holidays calendar must already exist.
Sends the calendar output to stdout instead of adding it to the database.
Adds the calendar to the database and compiles the production plan (Symphony file).
Note: This argument re-submits jobs and job streams from the current day's production plan. It might be necessary to cancel job streams and jobs.
Specifies the name of a non-working days calendar Calendar_Name that is to replace holidays in the evaluation of workdays.

In this case, workdays is evaluated as everyday excluding saturday, sunday and all the dates listed in Calendar_Name.

By default, saturday and sunday are not regarded as workdays, unless you explicitly state the opposite by adding -sa and/or -su after Calendar_Name.

You can also specify holidays as the name of the non-working days calendar.

This keyword affects the processing of makecal with options -l, -p, and -w.


To make a two-year calendar with the last day of every month selected, run the following command:
makecal -e -i 24
To make a calendar with 30 days that starts on May 30, 2005, and has every third day selected, run the following command:
makecal -r 3 -s "30 MAY 2005" -i 30