Monitoring the replication of plan data in the database
The following syntax is used to monitor the progress and outcome of replicating plan data in the database with the data in the Symphony file:
planman [connection_parameters] checksync
- connection_parameters
- Defines the settings to use when establishing the connection using HTTP or HTTPS through WebSphere Application Server to the master domain manager. For more information refer to Planman command line.
are written to standard output with the progress and status of the command. The planman
checksync command is also defined in the job, CHECKSYNC, contained
in the FINALPOSTREPORTS job stream contained in the Sfinal file. If the
CHECKSYNC job should fail, then refer to the job log of the
CHECKSYNC job, as well as the WebSphere Application Server log to determine the problem. After
resolving the problem, run the planman resync command to reload the plan data from
the Symphony file into the database.
For information about how to optimize the process of plan replication in the database see Tuning plan replication.