HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Using the resource command from an agent

You can create and manage resources and groups of resources and computers from HCL Workload Automation agents other then on the master domain manager.

Enabling the resource command

To enable this feature you must:
  1. Add the runtime for Java jobs when installing the agent. See information on how to install the agent in the Planning and Installation manual.
  2. Configure the CLIConfig.properties file. See the section about the CLIConfig.properties.
  3. Run the resource command. See Running the resource command.
For this purpose an additional instance of the CLIConfig.properties file is installed on every agent. If you intend to run the resource command from an agent, you must configure the CLIConfig.properties locally.

Configuring the local CLIConfig.properties file

When you install the agent, a local copy of CLIConfig.properties is automatically installed and partially configured on your agent in the following path:
To run the resource.bat or resource.sh command from the agent, customize the following keywords of the local CLIConfig.properties file:
Specify the IP address or the hostname of the master domain manager.
Specify the number of the WebSphere Application Server HTTP port.
Specify the number of the WebSphere Application Server HTTPS port.
Specify the user name for a user authorized to perform operations on HCL Workload Automation when security is enabled. This user must be previously defined on IBM WebSphere. For more information on security considerations, refer to HCL Workload Automation: Administration Guide, SC23-9113.
Specify the password for a user authorized to perform operations on HCL Workload Automation when security is enabled. This password must be previously defined on IBM WebSphere. For more information on security considerations, refer to HCL Workload Automation: Administration Guide.

Running the resource command

Depending on your operating system, to run the command enter:
On Windows

Switching managers

You can define in the CLIConfig.properties file the backup broker servers to be contacted by the resource CLI if the current broker server does not respond. To configure the resource CLI to contact the backup servers in case of failure, you must specify in the CLIConfig.properties file the connection properties for each backup broker server. List the same properties specified for the broker server running on the primary master domain manager.

Specify the following connection properties:

For backup servers, the same ordinal number must be appended to each property name associated to the same backup server.

In the following example, in the CLIConfig.properties file is specified the broker server running on the primary master domain manager and two backup broker servers:

# Properties of the Broker Server running on the primary master domain manager 
ITDWBServerHost = BrokerServer.mycompany.com 
ITDWBServerPort = 51117 
ITDWBServerSecurePort = 51118 
use_secure_connection = true 
tdwb_user = tdwbUser 
tdwb_pwd = xxxx 

# First (_1) Backup Broker Server Properties  
ITDWBServerHost_1 = FirstBackupBrokerServer.mycompany.com 
ITDWBServerPort_1 = 41117 
ITDWBServerSecurePort_1 = 41118 
use_secure_connection_1 = false 
tdwb_user_1 = backup1TdwbUser 
tdwb_pwd_1 = yyyy 

# Second (_2) Backup Broker Server Properties  
ITDWBServerHost_2 = SecondBackupBrokerServer.mycompany.com 
ITDWBServerPort_2 = 61117 
ITDWBServerSecurePort_2 = 61118 
use_secure_connection_2 = false 
tdwb_user_2 = backup2TdwbUser 
tdwb_pwd_2 = zzzz

You can define a maximum of 10 broker servers.

To prevent the resource CLI from contacting unavailable servers, the name of the last successfully contacted broker server is saved in the ITDWBLastGoodServerHost property of the CLIConfig.properties file.