HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Report 01 - Job Details Listing:

TWS for UNIX (AIX)/REPORT1 8.3 (1.7)         hcl                           Page    1
Report 01                              Job Details Listing                  03/06/06

Job              : FTAWIN8+        #SCHEDDDD                                    
Description      :
JCL File         : dir
Logon            : maestro_adm                             
Creator          : root
Recovery Job     :
Recovery Type    : STOP
Recovery Prompt  :
composer Autodoc : Yes
Total Runs       :     0 -     0     Successful,       0 Aborted

                  Elapsed(mins)      CPU(secs)
Total             00:00:00              0
Normal            00:00:00
Last Run          00:00:00              0 (On          at 00:00)
Maximum           00:00:00              0 (On         )
Minimum           00:00:00              0 (On         )

Job              : MASTER8+        #JnextPlan                                    
Description      : ADDED BY composer FOR SCHEDULE MASTER821#FINAL.
JCL File         : /test/maestro_adm/tws/JnextPlan
Logon            : maestro_adm                             
Creator          : maestro_adm
Recovery Job     :
Recovery Type    : STOP
Recovery Prompt  :
composer Autodoc : Yes
Total Runs       :    11 -    11     Successful,       0 Aborted

                  Elapsed(mins)      CPU(secs)
Total             00:00:14             44
Normal            00:00:01
Last Run          00:00:01              4 (On 03/05/06 at 23:16)
Maximum           00:00:02              4 (On 03/04/06)
Minimum           00:00:01              4 (On 03/04/06)

Job              : MASTER8+        #JOB1                                        
Description      : ADDED BY composer.
JCL File         : pwd
Logon            : ^ACCLOGIN^                              
Creator          : root
Recovery Job     :
Recovery Type    : STOP
Recovery Prompt  :
composer Autodoc : Yes
Total Runs       :     1 -     1     Successful,       0 Aborted

                  Elapsed(mins)      CPU(secs)
Total             00:00:01              0
Normal            00:00:01
Last Run          00:00:01              0 (On 03/05/06 at 22:22)
Maximum           00:00:01              0 (On 03/05/06)
Minimum           00:00:01              0 (On 03/05/06)

                         * * * *   E n d  o f  R e p o r t  * * * *
In the output you see the values set in the Job as follows::
composer Autodoc
Says if the job statement was described in the job stream definition using the command line interface.
CPU (secs)
Is the actual time, expressed in seconds, the job made use of the CPU to run.
Is the sum of CPU time recorded for the 'Total Runs'.
Is the average value of CPU time recorded during the 'Total Runs'.
Last Run
Is the CPU time recorded during the last run of the job.
Is the maximum among the values collected for CPU time during the 'Total Runs' (calculated only for jobs ended successfully).
Is the minimum among the values collected for CPU time during the 'Total Runs' (calculated only for jobs ended successfully).
Is the name of the user who created the job definition.
Is the textual description of the job set in the description field of the job definition statement.
Is the amount of time, expressed in minutes, that includes both the time during which the job made use of the CPU and the time the job had to wait for other processes to release the CPU.
Is the sum of Elapsed time recorded for the 'Total Runs'.
Is the average value of Elapsed time recorded during the 'Total Runs'.
Last Run
Is the Elapsed time recorded during the last run of the job.
Is the maximum among the values collected for Elapsed time during the 'Total Runs' (calculated only for jobs ended successfully).
Is the minimum among the values collected for Elapsed time during the 'Total Runs' (calculated only for jobs ended successfully).
Note: The elapsed time displayed for a shadow job is the elapsed time of the remote job to which it is bound.
JCL File
Is the name of the file set in the scriptname field that contains the script to run, or the command specified in the docommand field to invoke when running the job.
Is the identifier of the job, [workstation#]jobname.
Is the user name, specified in the streamlogon field, under which the job runs.
Recovery Job
Is the job, specified as after [workstation#]jobname, that is run if the parent job abends.
Recovery Prompt
Is the text of the prompt, specified in the abendprompt field, that is displayed if this job abends.
Recovery Type
Is the recovery option set in the job definition. It can be set to stop, continue, or rerun.