HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Standard format

The workstation on which the job stream runs.
The name of the job stream.
The time and date when the job stream was scheduled to run in the plan.
The state of the job stream. The states are as follows:
The job stream was added with operator intervention.
The job stream ended with a nonzero exit code.
The job stream is pending cancellation. Cancellation is deferred until all of the dependencies, including an at time, are resolved.
For internetwork dependencies only, an error occurred while checking for the remote status.
The job stream is running.
For internetwork dependencies only. This is the state of the EXTERNAL job stream containing jobs referencing to jobs or job streams in the remote network.
The job stream awaiting dependency resolution.
The job stream is ready to launch and all dependencies are resolved.
Job stream execution was interrupted. No jobs are launched without operator intervention.
The job stream completed successfully.
The job stream is suppressed because the condition dependencies associated to its predecessors are not satisfied.
The priority of the job stream.
The start time of the job stream or job. Parentheses indicate an estimate of the start time. If the command is performed on the same day when the job stream is scheduled to run, the Start parameter displays a time as (Est)Start. If the command is performed on a day different from the day when the job stream is scheduled to run, the Start parameter displays a date as (Est)Start. For example if you have the following job stream whose start time occurs on the same day when the job stream is scheduled to run:
AT 1800 
You receive the following output:
%ss @#@
                                      (Est)  (Est)    Jobs   Sch
CPU      Schedule SchedTime  State Pr Start  Elapse   #  OK  Lim
MASTERB1#JS_B     1800 08/18 HOLD  10(18:00)          1   0  
For example if you have the following job stream whose start time occurs on a day different from the day when the job stream is scheduled to run:
AT 0500 
You receive the following output:
%ss @#@
                                      (Est)  (Est)  Jobs  Sch
CPU      Schedule SchedTime  State Pr Start  Elapse #  OK Lim
MASTERB1#JS_A     0500 08/19 HOLD  10(08/19)        1   0   
The run time of the job stream. Parentheses indicate an estimate based on logged statistics.
Jobs #
The number of jobs in the job stream.
Jobs OK
The number of jobs that have completed successfully.
Sch Lim
The job stream's job limit. If one is not listed, no limit is in effect.
A list of job stream dependencies and comments. Any combination of the following may be listed:
  • For a follows dependency, a job stream or job name is displayed. If the job or job stream is a pending predecessor, its name is followed by a [P].
  • For conditional dependencies, the name of the predecessor job stream is displayed followed by one or more output conditions in the format, IF <condition_name> ... where condition_name can represent the execution status of the predecessor job stream, the job stream status, or other conditions based on the output or outcome of the predecessor job stream. When there is more than one condition specified, the conditions are separated by the pipe (|) symbol. The following is what appears in the showschedules output in the Dependencies column for a predecessor job stream, JOBSTREAML1, with an ABEND and FAIL status condition set. Depending on whether JOBSTREAML1 completes in ABEND or FAIL status determines which successor job runs:
     JOBSTREAML1(0000 09/15/15).JOBL1 IF ABEND | FAIL
  • For an opens dependency, the file name is displayed. If the file resides on an extended agent, and its name is longer than 25 characters, only the last 25 characters are displayed.
  • For a needs dependency, a resource name enclosed in hyphens (-) is displayed. If the number of units requested is greater than one, the number is displayed before the first hyphen.
  • For an until time, the time preceded by an angled bracket (<).
  • For a prompt dependency, the prompt number displayed as #num. For global prompts, the prompt name in parentheses follows.
  • Cancelled job streams are labeled [Cancelled].
  • Job streams cancelled with the ;pend option are labeled [Cancel Pend].
  • For a deadline time, the time preceded by an angle bracket (<) is displayed.
  • Job streams that contain the carryforward keyword are labeled [Carry].
  • For job streams that were carried forward from the previous production plan, the original name and date are displayed in brackets.
  • When reporting time dependencies the showschedules command shows in the Start column:
    • Only the time hh:mm if the day when the time dependencies is set matches with the day when the showschedules command is run.
    • Only the date mm/dd if the day when the time dependencies is set does not match with the day when the showschedules command is run.
    Note: The time or date displayed in the Start column is converted in the time zone set on the workstation where the job stream is to run.