HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Limitations for jobs in USERJOBS job stream in dynamic scheduling

Features and properties partially or not supported for USERJOBS job stream in dynamic scheduling

Jobs in USERJOBS job stream supports most of the dynamic scheduling features or properties. The Table 1 lists some features or properties that are partially or not supported.

Table 1. Features partially or not supported for jobs in USERJOBS job stream
Feature\Property USERJOBS
Job types with advanced options might lose some information when moved to the USERJOBS job stream. The job type might be missing or different from the original one.
Display of the job types with advanced options properties by using conman comman line. If you perform the sj <job_name>; props where <job_name> is the job types with advanced options name, you have the following problems:
  • The Task field value of the General Information section is truncated.
    Note: This problem affects only the display of the job and does not affect the job itself.
  • The Extra Information section displays the internal name of the properties instead of the translated external name.
Display of the job types with advanced options by using the Dynamic Workload Console. If you use the graphical views of Dynamic Workload Console, shadow jobs are not displayed with the typical dots.
Variables passing between jobs in the same job stream instance. For more information about this feature, see Passing variables between jobs. This feature is not supported. The job variable passing is not resolved when the jobs are moved from the original job stream to USERJOBS job stream.