Utility commands
- Utility commands available for both UNIX and Windows operating systems
Table 1. Utility commands available for both UNIX and Windows Command Syntax cpuinfo cpuinfo -V | -U
cpuinfo workstation [infotype] [...]
datecalc datecalc -V | -U
datecalc base-date [offset] [pic format][freedays Calendar_Name [-sa] [-su]]
datecalc -t time [base-date] [offset] [pic format]
datecalc yyyymmddhhtt [offset] [pic format]
delete delete -V | -U
delete filename
evtdef evtdef -U | -V
evtdef [connection parameters] dumpdef file-path
evtdef [connection parameters] loaddef file-path
evtsize evtsize -V | -U
evtsize filename size
evtsize -compact filename [size]
evtsize -info filename
evtsize -show filename
evtsize -info | -show pobox
filemonitor filemonitor -V | -U
filemonitor -path path_to_monitor
-event event_to_monitor
{fileCreated | fileModified [-modificationCompletedTime seconds]}
[-repositoryName repository_name]
[-repositoryPath repository_path]
[-recursive] [-outputFile output_filename]
[-scanInterval scan_interval]
[-maxEventsThreshold max_events]
[-minFileSize min_file_size]
[-timeout secondsfilemonitor -reset
jobinfo jobinfo -V | -U
jobinfo job-option [...]
jobstdl jobstdl -V | -U
jobstdl [-day num] [{-first | -last | -num n | -all}] [-twslog]
[{-name ["jobstreamname [(hhmm date),(jobstream_id)].]jobname"|jobnum
| -schedid jobstream_id.jobname}]maestro maestro [-V | -U]
makecal makecal [-c name] -d n | -e | {-f 1 | 2 | 3 -s date} | -l | -m | -p n |
{-r n -s date} | -w n [-i n] [-x | -z][-freedays Calendar_Name [-sa] [-su]]
morestdl morestdl -V | -U
morestdl [-day num] [-first | -last | -num n | -all] [-twslog]
[{-name ["jobstreamname [(hhmm date),(jobstream_id)].]jobname"|jobnum
| -schedid jobstream_id.jobname}]param param -u | -V
param {-c | -ec} [file.section.|file.|section.] variable [value]
param [file.section.|file.|section.] variable
param {-d | -fd} [file.section.|file.|section.] variable
parms parms {[-V | -U] | -build}
parms {-replace | -extract} filename
parms [-d]parameternameparms -c parametername valuerelease release -V | -U
release [-s] [workstation#]resourcename [count]
rmstdlist rmstdlist -V | -U
rmstdlist [-p] [age]
sendevent sendevent -V | ? | -help | -U | -usage
sendevent [-hostname hostname]
[{-port | -sslport} port]
[[attribute=value]...]In dynamic environments:sendevent [-hostname hostname]
[-port port]
[[attribute=value]...]showexec showexec [-V | -U | INFO] ShutDownLwa ShutDownLwa
StartUp StartUp [-V | -U]
StartUpLwa StartUpLwa
tws_inst_pull_info tws_inst_pull_info -twsuser userid -log_dir_base path [-u | [-run_db2_module [y|n] | -extract_db_defs [y|n] | -date yyyymmdd] - Utility commands available for UNIX operating system only
Table 2. Utility commands available for UNIX only Command Syntax at at -V | -U
at -sjstream | -qqueuetime-spec
batch batch -V | -U
batch [-s jstream]
showexec showexec [-V | -U | -info]
version version -V | -U | -h
version [-a] [-f vfile] [file [...]]
- Utility commands available for Windows operating system only
Table 3. Utility commands available for Windows only Command Syntax listproc (UNSUPPORTED)
listproc killproc (UNSUPPORTED)
killproc pid shutdown shutdown [-V | -U] [-appsrv]