Load the agent for z/OS® software
The first installation step is to download the agent for z/OS software from the repository at https://hclsoftware-fno.flexnetoperations.com/flexnet/operations/
Setting up the environment
To setup the new environment perform the following steps and follow the detailed instruction of
the readme in the software package.
- Unzip the file and use the information in the readme file to proceed with the first steps of the installation.
- Customize the EELSETUP file with your libraries
The following table describes the distribution and target libraries that are created
DD Name | Description |
SEELDATA | Default SSL certificates |
SEELMAC0 | Assembler macros |
SEELMISC | License information |
SEELOBJ (Object) | Agent for z/OS object |
SEELMSG0 | Messages |
SEELPNL0 | Panels for the EELINST installation aid |
SEELSAMP | Sample exits, programs, and JCL |
After you have loaded the agent for z/OS software, apply any recommended maintenance described in the PSP bucket.