Passing job properties from one job to another in the same job stream instance
You can export some job properties from one job on HCL Workload Automation agent for z/OS to another in the same job stream instance
You can export some job properties from one job on HCL Workload Automation agent for z/OS to another in the same job stream instance. To add a job property
within another job definition, that it is resolved locally on the
agent at run time, use the following syntax:
where <JOB_NAME> is the name value or the alias
name value of the job from which you are exporting the property values
and <property_name> is the property that you
are referring to. The <property_name> value
is case insensitive.Table 1 shows the list of properties that you can pass from dynamic job on HCL Workload Automation agent for z/OS to another job and indicate the mapping between the Extra information properties of the job and the properties that you can use.
Dynamic job on HCL Workload Automation agent for z/OS properties that can be pass in another job definition | Dynamic job on HCL Workload Automation agent for z/OS Extra Information properties |
The following example demonstrates how variables can be passed from job that run on HCL Workload Automation agent for z/OS to another executable job that
run in the same job stream instance. The WIN92MAS#JS_PROP job stream contains
ZSPD_ZOS1274#DDRIVEN_JOB used with alias JOBA and
NC112016#JOBB jobs. The NC112016#JOBB executable job
references the following properties of the JOBA job that is defined on
HCL Workload Automation agent for z/OS:
- zAgentJESId
- zAgentJobName
- JOBA.zAgentStartReaderTime
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jsdl:jobDefinition xmlns:jsdl="
jsdl" xmlns:
jsdljcl="" name="JCL">
<jsdl:application name="jcl">
<jsdljcl:jclDefinition>//JOB JOB
//S1 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14</jsdljcl:jclDefinition>
DESCRIPTION "Added by composer for job stream: WIN92MAS#JS_PROP."
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jsdl:jobDefinition xmlns:XMLSchema="
XMLSchema" xmlns:
jsdl="" xmlns:
jsdle="" XMLSchema:
text="resolveVariableTable" name="executable">
<jsdl:application name="executable">
<jsdle:executable interactive="false">
echo JES Id = ${job:JOBA.zAgentJESId}
echo Job Name = ${job:JOBA.zAgentJobName}
echo Start Reader Time = ${job:JOBA.zAgentStartReaderTime}
DESCRIPTION "Added by composer for job stream: WIN92MAS#JS_PROP."