HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Identifying the resources for jobs

To schedule jobs, HCL Workload Automation first scans the computers in the environment to retrieve hardware and operating system information from the agent computers. You can also optionally create logical resources that represent characteristics of the computers that are not gathered by the scan, such as software licenses or installed applications, to further identify resources available in the environment.

About this task

After the HCL Workload Automation agent is installed, an automatic scan is performed on the discovered computers where the agent is installed. The scan returns hardware and operating system information which is stored in the Resource Repository.

The hardware and operating system information returned by the scan is considered a physical resource. Physical resources collected from the agent computers include the following:
Types of physical resources Examples
Computer system Computer system name, model, number of processors, CPU speed
Operating system Operating system type and version, virtual memory, physical memory, swap space
Network system IP address, network card, host name
File system File system storage capacity

The automatic discovery process of gathering physical resource information is capable of identifying available computers with the resources required for jobs to run on. The scan is scheduled and configurable. You can configure the scan from the ResourceAdvisorAgentConfig.properties file on the master domain manager and from the JobManager.ini file on the agents. Ensure the scan runs at regular times to update any changes to resources. Refer to the HCL Workload Automation: Administration Guide, SC23-9113 for more information about this configuration file.

When the physical resources gathered by the scan do not supply enough information to accurately address specific job requirements, you can define logical resources or resource groups using the Dynamic Workload Console. The Dynamic Workload Console gives you the capability to set up additional logical resources and link them to computers where the resources are available. Logical resources help identify resources required by jobs to make allocation more accurate. Logical resources can also be used when expressing a consumable quantity of a resource. For example, you might use a logical resource to identify specific applications, and you might also use them to define a limited number of software licenses available. When a job is submitted, the job definition includes the physical and logical resource requirements, and with this information HCL Workload Automation finds the most suitable computer.

You can also use the Dynamic Workload Console to define a resource group. A resource group is a combination of physical and logical resources defined to accurately match and allocate resources to job requirements when the job is submitted. After creating logical resources and resource groups, you can subsequently edit them using the Dynamic Workload Console. If a computer, logical resource, or resource group becomes unavailable or you need to make it unavailable to perform maintenance tasks, for example, you can set the status to offline. You can subsequently set the status online using the Dynamic Workload Console.

The following are tasks for configuring resources: