HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Monitoring submitted jobs

A job instance is a job that is submitted to run at a specific time. You can track the outcome of a submitted job from the Dynamic Workload Console.

Before you begin

Prerequisite: A job must be submitted to HCL Workload Automation before you can view its instances. Submitted jobs are stored in the Job Repository for a default time interval. See the HCL Workload Automation: Administration Guide, SC23-9113 for information about configuring this interval in the JobDispatcherConfig.properties file. You can access the following information about job instances:
  • Status of the job instance.
  • The host name of the computer where the job instance ran.
  • The return code of the job instance.
  • The date and time the job was submitted.
  • The date and time the job started and finished running.

About this task

For example, to view all jobs that have resulted in error within the last 24 hours, follow these steps:


  1. In the console navigation tree, expand Tracking and click Job Instances. The Track Job Instance Search Criteria page is displayed
  2. Specify the search criteria for the job instances as follows:
    1. In the Submission Time section, select the Last 24 Hours radio button.
    2. In the Job Status section, select Error Conditions.
    3. Click Search.
    The results are displayed in the Job Tracking page.


As an alternative, you can take the following steps:
  1. In the console navigation tree, expand Definitions and click Jobs. The Job Definition Search Criteria page is displayed.
  2. Specify the search criteria for the job definition associated with the job instance that you want to view.
  3. Select the job for which you want to show instances.
  4. Click Show Instances. The results are displayed in the Job Definitions Search Result page.
Once a job is submitted to the Job Dispatcher, it goes through the phases of job scheduling, allocation of resources, and finally, job execution. Problems might occur along the way, and there are specific job statuses that identify at which point things went wrong. The following is a list of job statuses that a job can assume after it is submitted to be run:
Job completing successfully
The job goes through the following statuses: Submitted > Waiting for resources > Resource allocation received > Submitted to agent > Running > Completed successfully.
Job being canceled
The job goes through the following statuses: Submitted > Waiting for resources > Resource allocation received > Submitted to agent > Running > Cancel pending > Canceled.
Job being reallocated
The job is allocated to a computer which is temporarily unreachable, for example because of a network problem. The job goes through the following statuses: Submitted > Waiting for resources > Resource allocation received > Waiting for reallocation > Waiting for resources .
Job encountering an error
There can be several reasons for the error. Here are some examples:
  • The job encounters an error because the selected working directory does not exist on the target system. The job goes through the following statuses: Submitted > Waiting for resources > Resource allocation received > Submitted to agent > Unable to start. As the job cannot start, no output is available.
  • The job requires an operating system which is not available in the environment. The job goes through the following statuses: Submitted > Waiting for resources > Resource allocation failed.
  • The job encounters an error because one of the parameters specified in the job is not supported on the target system. The job goes through the following statuses: Submitted > Waiting for resources > Resource allocation received > Submitted to agent > Running > Run failed.
When viewing the job instance details for this job Job Tracking page, the reason for the error is displayed. You can also use the ID indicated in the Identifier field to retrieve more information on the job results, which is stored in a series of log files on the computer where the job ran. The name of the computer where the job ran is also indicated in the Job Tracking page. Locate the computer and analyze the log files available in the folder named with the job ID in the following path:
Every job has a compressed file whose name is the job ID, for example:
The compressed file contains the following:
May or may not include diagnostic information.
Includes the return code as well as other job statistics, like CPU and memory usage.
Includes the full job output.
Includes the output trace of the task launcher process spawned by the HCL Workload Automation agent to run the job.
Includes the command used to run the task launcher.