HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Installing Eclipse and the Test and Performance Tools Platform

About this task

Eclipse is an open source community whose projects are focused on providing an extensible development platform and application frameworks for building software.

Log Analyzer requires Eclipse, version 3.1, or higher. It is available for the Windows and Linux operating systems (see website for full details). HCL Workload Automation uses Eclipse version 3.0 as its platform of choice for the Tivoli® Information Center. However, Eclipse, version 3.0 cannot be used for Log Analyzer because Log Analyzer requires a higher version.

Log Analyzer also requires the Test and Performance Tools Platform, version 4.1, or higher.

To install Eclipse and the Test and Performance Tools Platform, follow these steps:
  1. Check that you have Java™ run time environment (JRE) or Java development kit (JDK), version 1.4.2 or higher installed on your machine in order to run Eclipse. If you do not have the appropriate level of JRE or JDK, follow these steps:
    1. Go to www.java.com
    2. Download and install Java Standard Edition (Java SE), version 1.4.2, or higher. At time of writing, this could be found by clicking Free Java Download on the home page.
    3. Follow the instructions on the website for downloading and installing J2SE.
  2. Go to the Eclipse website at http://www.eclipse.org/
  3. Click Downloads.
  4. Under Third Party Distros, click IBM.
  5. In the description of the Europa testing project bundle: you should see Eclipse Test and Performance Tools Platform (TPTP). This contains both the prerequisite versions of Eclipse and the Test and Performance Tools Platform. Click Europa testing project bundle: → Free download.
  6. Save the .zip (Windows) or .gz (UNIX) file containing the Test and Performance Tools files in a temporary directory.
  7. Open the .zip or .gz and extract the files to a temporary directory.