Prerequisite steps to create Provisioning jobs

About this task

To create a Provisioning job definition, you must first complete the prerequisite steps listed below.


  1. Install IBM SmartCloud® Provisioning. To find out the version supported by the product, check the supported software document on the Support.
  2. Obtain the SmartCloud HTTP server certificate and save it in a directory for later use. The Provisioning administrator can provide the certificate, or you can retrieve the certificate performing the following steps in your browser. The following example is based on Mozilla Firefox:
    1. Log in to Provisioning server providing Provisioning credentials.
    2. To download the certificate, click: Tools>Options>Advanced>Encryption>View Certificates
    3. Select IBM®> IBM WebSphere® Cloudburst Appliance and click Export. A file, named IBMWebSphereCloudBurstAppliance.crt (X509 Certificate - PEM) is created.
  3. Browse to the directory where a JRE is installed, for example: C:\Program Files\IBM\TWS\javaExt\JRE\JRE
  4. Create a new truststore by launching the following command: keytool -genkeypair -alias certificatekey -keyalg RSA -validity 7 -keystore keystore.jks,

    where, keystore.jks is the file path to the keystore.

  5. Add IBM SmartCloud certificate to the truststore by launching the following command: keytool -import -file certificate_directory\IBMWebSphereCloudBurstAppliance.crt -alias scp -keystore trustore_directory\keystore.jks,
  6. Open the TWA_HOME\TWS\ITA\cpa\config\JobManager.ini file, and locate JavaJobLauncher section, JVMOptions row.
  7. Add the following instructions to the row: " DIRECTORY_TRUSTSTORE/keystore.jks" For example:
    JVMOptions =
  8. To complete the procedure, stop and restart the agent.