Setting properties for ad hoc jobs and predefined jobs and job streams

About this task

To set the properties required to add jobs or job streams to the current plan, perform the following steps.
Note: For all the details about options and fields displayed in the panels, see the online help by clicking the question mark located at the top-right corner of each panel.


  1. Enter the required information in the General section.
  2. For predefined and ad hoc jobs only: under the Task tab, enter the task properties for the job in the displayed panel.
  3. Select the Time Restrictions tab, and enter the required information in the displayed panel to set time restrictions for the job or job stream.
  4. Select the Resources tab to set resource dependencies.
    • To create a new resource, click New and enter the required information in the Info panel.
    • To delete an existing resource, select it from the list and click Delete.
    • To modify a resource listed in the table, double-click its name and edit its properties in the Info panel.
  5. Select the Prompts tab to set prompts as dependencies for the job or job stream.
    • To create a new prompt, click New and enter the required information in the Info panel.
    • To delete an existing prompt, select it from the list and click Delete.
    • To modify a prompt listed in the table, double-click its name and edit its properties in the Info panel.
  6. Select the Files tab to set file dependencies for the job or job stream.
    • To create a new file, click New and enter the required information in the Info panel.
    • To delete an existing file, select it from the list and click Delete.
    • To modify the file properties, double-click the file and edit the settings in the displayed table.
  7. Select the Internetwork Predecessors tab to add predecessor dependencies from a remote HCL Workload Automation network. The displayed panel shows existing internetwork predecessor properties.
    • To create a new internetwork predecessor, click New and enter the required information in the Info panel. Click the ... (Browse) button to search for and select the name of the network agent. Internetwork dependencies require that a network agent is configured to communicate with the external scheduler network.
    • To delete an existing internetwork predecessor, select it from the list and click Delete.
    • To modify an existing internetwork predecessor properties, double-click it, and edit its settings.
  8. Select the Predecessors tab to set predecessor dependencies for the job or job stream. The displayed panel shows existing predecessor properties. Select Conditional Dependencies option to specify the type of the conditional dependency.
    • To create a new predecessor, click New and enter the required information in the displayed panel.
    • To delete an existing predecessor, select it from the list and click Delete.
    • To modify an existing predecessor properties, double-click it, and edit its settings in the displayed table.