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Auditing justification and reporting

Enforcing justification policies and maintaining auditing reports

About this task

From the Dynamic Workload Console, administrators can enforce a policy by which each user making a change to an object must provide a justification for the change. From the Dynamic Workload Console, administrators perform the following steps:
  1. From the navigation toolbar, click Administration.
  2. In the Workload Design section, select Auditing Preferences.
  3. For each displayed engine, you can enable the justification policy. After enabling the justification policy, decide which fields (Category, Ticket, and Description) are required.
  4. Optionally create a new category to be added to the default ones in the lower section of the panel.
  5. Optionally click on Ticket required to specify the address of the ticketing server and the specific syntax supported on the server, for example:{$ticketnumber}, where:
    is the ticketing server sample address
    is the ticket number to be provided by the user
After the justification policy is enabled, the justification panel is displayed each time a user performs a change in the Workload Designer. The related changes are stored for auditing purposes in the HCL Workload Automation database, in a file or in both, depending on the value you set in the auditStore global option.

For more information about global options, see Global options - detailed description.

For more information about enabling the storage of auditing information from the command line, see the following commands:
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