HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Add customized URL to job and job streams

This section contains URLs where you can store customized documentation about your jobs or job streams. By default, this setting is not specified. If you want to associate customized documentation to a job or job stream, use this setting to specify the external address where this information is located.

If you want to specify a URL where customized documentation for a job and job stream is stored, uncomment the section lines, specify the required URL, and optionally assign a name to the UI label by specifying a value for the customActionLabel property. By default this name is Open Documentation. This label is then displayed in the More Actions menus in Monitor Jobs and Monitor Job Streams tasks, as well as in the graphical views of the plan (in the object's tooltips, context menus and properties). In this example, selecting Open Documentation accesses the relevant documentation making it possible to open the documentation while monitoring your job or job stream in the plan.

To implement this setting, assign values to the following keywords:
The name of the action displayed in menus, object properties, and tooltips to access customized documentation about your jobs or job streams. By default this name is "Open Documentation" unless you customize the name with this keyword.
The address of your job documentation. No default value available.
The address of your job stream documentation. No default value available.
<?xml version"1.0"?>
    <property name="jobstreamUrlTemplate" 
    <property name="jobUrlTemplate" 
    <property name="customActionLabel" value="Your Custom Label Name"/>
See TdwcGlobalSettings.xml sample to view the complete syntax for the file.

These properties must be valid URLs, containing one or more of the variables listed in the table below.

If you use any of the following special characters in the URL, you must write them as follows:

Table 1. Syntax for special characters
Special characters Write them as...
quote (") \"
apostrophe (') &apos;
ampersand (&) &amp;
less than (<) &lt
greater than (>) &gt
backslash (\) \\
Multiple variables can be included in a URL and must be specified using the following syntax: ${variable}:
Table 2. Variables used in the URL definition
Name Object Description
job_number_w Job z/OS® The number of the job
job_wkst_w Job The name of the workstation on which the job runs
job_jsname_w Job The name of the job stream that contains the job
job_jswkst_w Job The name of the workstation on which the job stream runs
job_actualarrival_w Job z/OS The actual start time of the job (date format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
job_actualend_w Job z/OS When the job actually completed (date format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
job_starttime_w Job The start time of the job (date format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
job_id_w Job The ID of the job
job_returncode_w Job The return code of the job
js_name_w Job stream The name of the job stream that contains the job
js_wkst_w Job stream The name of the workstation on which the job stream runs
js_id_w Job stream The job stream ID
js_latest_start_w Job stream The latest time at which a job stream can start (date format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
engine_name_w Engine The name of the engine connection
engine_host_w Engine The hostname of the engine connection
engine_port_w Engine The port number of the engine connection
engine_plan_w Engine The ID of selected plan
engine_serv_w Engine The remote server name of the engine connection