Creating a task to Monitor Critical Jobs
About this task
For more information about this, see the HCL Workload Automation User's Guide and Reference.
You can then use this list of critical jobs to control them, ensuring that nothing prevents them from completing on time.
For each critical job listed, you are also provided with information about the confidence factor and the related estimated end time of the critical job. The confidence factor is expressed as a percentage and indicates the confidence with which a critical job will finish running within its deadline. The confidence factor is calculated as the normal cumulative density function using a Gaussian function, where the estimated end time is the mean and the estimated end variance is the standard deviation. When a job completes, the confidence factor is set to 0% when the job exceeded its deadlines, and is set to 100% when the deadline was not exceeded.
Starting from the list of critical jobs, you can drill down and take actions on their predecessors (internal and external), which might be located faraway in the whole critical job network.
- Critical Path
- Critical job predecessors with the least slack time (delay allowed to let the critical job complete on time).
- Hot List
- The hot list contains a subset of critical predecessors that can cause a delay of the critical job because they are in such states as error, late, fence (for distributed systems only), suppressed (for distributed systems only) or long duration. If these jobs do not complete successfully on time, they prevent the critical job from completing on time. In the hot list view, you can quickly see which jobs need you to take appropriate recovery actions. Jobs included in the Hot List are not necessarily included in the Critical Path.
To create a Monitor Critical Jobs task, perform the following steps.
You can find a workload service assurance scenario in the HCL Workload Automation User's Guide and Reference about using this feature to monitor critical jobs.