Creating a task to Monitor Triggered Actions

About this task

To create a Monitor Triggered Actions task, perform the following steps.
Note: For all the details about options and fields displayed in the panels, see the online help by clicking the question mark located at the top-right corner of each panel.


  1. In the navigation bar, click System Status and Health > All Configured Tasks > New.
  2. In the Create Task panel, select Event Monitoring Task > Monitor Triggered Actions and click Next.
  3. In the Enter Task Information panel, specify the task name and select the engine connection where you want to run the task. You can run this type of query only in a HCL Workload Automation distributed environment on either the master domain manager or on a node installed as a backup master domain manager, but not necessarily belonging to the master domain. You can also specify whether to share the task with others, to allow them to see and run the task, but not to modify it.
  4. Click Next to proceed with task creation or click Finish to complete the creation using the default values and exit without proceeding to the following steps. If you are editing an existing task, properties are organized in tabs.
  5. In the General Filter section, specify some broad filtering criteria to limit the results retrieved by your query. Here you start refining the scope of your query by also considering the amount of information you want to retrieve. Optionally, in some of the results tables in the Periodic Refresh Options section, you can customize how often to refresh the information by specifying the refresh interval in seconds in hh:mm:ss format, with a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of 7200 seconds. For example, 00:01:10 means 70 seconds. If the value specified is not valid, the last valid value is automatically used. If the periodic refresh is enabled for a task, when the task runs, the refresh time control options are shown in the results table. You can also set or change the periodic refresh interval directly in the results table when the timer is in stop status. In this case, the value specified at task creation time is temporarily overwritten. You can search for triggered actions based on the type of rule instance that triggers them or on their scope. The scope of an action (or an event) is the set of properties that most characterize it.
  6. In the Columns Definition panel, select the information you want to display in the table containing the query results. According to the columns you choose here, the corresponding information is displayed in the task results table. For example, for each of the actions resulting from your query, you might want to see the status, type, or associated message. You can then drill down into this information displayed in the table and navigate it. In the Columns Definition panel, not only can you select the columns for this task results, but you can also specify the columns for secondary queries on event rule instances. The information to be retrieved with these secondary queries is specified in this panel.
  7. In the All Configured Tasks panel, you can see the main details about the task that you have just created. You can also choose to run the task immediately. The task is now in the list of your tasks where you can open and modify it. You can find it in the task lists displayed by clicking the following options: System Status and Health > All Configured Tasks or Event Monitoring > Monitor Triggered Actions.


You have created your query that, when run, lists the event rule instances satisfying your filtering criteria and shows, for each event rule in the list, the information you selected to view.