Mapping between the MTE name and HCL Workload Automation fields
About this task
Within SAP,
MTEs are identified by a name made up of several
tokens, separated by backslashes (\). To display the complete MTE
name, select the MTE and click Properties or
press F1:
Figure 1. Name and description
of an MTE - © SAP AG 2009. All rights reserved.

According to the type of MTE that you want to
monitor, you must fill in each HCL Workload Automation field
with a specific token of
the MTE name (to know your MTE type, select the MTE and click Legend):
- If you are using Dynamic Workload Console V8.5.1, or later
- In the Event Rule Editor panel, from the Properties section, click Autofill MTE Tokens. The MTE Name window opens.
- In the MTE Name field, write the name of the MTE to monitor and click OK. You are returned to the Event Rule Editor panel, where the HCL Workload Automation fields are filled in accordingly.
- If you are using Dynamic Workload Console prior to V8.5.1
- Refer to the instructions provided in the following sections:
Note: Virtual MTEs cannot be monitored.