HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Changing key HCL Workload Automation passwords

About this task

When you change passwords for key users in your HCL Workload Automation environment, there are various operations to perform, depending on which user's password is being changed, the type of operating system on which it is deployed, and the type of HCL Workload Automation node where the password is being changed. You can perform these operations manually, or you can use the changePassword script described in Using the changePassword script to accomplish the necessary operations automatically.

If you decide to proceed manually, the following pages describe what you have to do if the passwords of any of the following users change:

HCL Workload Automation instance owner
The <TWS_user> (the instance owner) of a HCL Workload Automation component (on Windows only).
WebSphere® Application Server user
The WebSphere Application Server user (as identified by the WebSphere Application Server tools) which authenticates the <TWS_user> being used by HCL Workload Automation components.
The database user (J2C) of a HCL Workload Automation component:
If you are using a DB2 database, this is the user ID used to access DB2.
Note: This is different according to whether you have the server or the client installed:
DB2 Server installed
The DB2 administration user (local) is used.
DB2 Client installed
The HCL Workload Automation DB2 user on the remote server is used.
If you are using an Oracle database, the Oracle schema owner user.
Note: The Oracle schema owner is not an operating system ID. Even if it has the same value as an operating system ID on the same computer, it is completely separate, and the passwords are changed separately.
Streamlogon user
The streamlogon user of any job run in the HCL Workload Automation environment (jobs running on Windows only)

For all other users of HCL Workload Automation, no action is required if their passwords change.

Before changing any passwords, you must first change the password at the operating system level using native commands, as follows:
On UNIX operating systems
use the passwd command.
On Windows operating systems
use the net user command.
If you use special characters in the password, ensure you use a "\" (backslash) before the special character. The following rules apply:Start of change
On Windows operating systems:
Passwords for users can include any alphanumeric characters and ()!?=^*/~[]$_+;:.,@`-#.
On UNIX and LINUX systems:
Passwords for users can include any alphanumeric characters and ()!?=*~_+.-.
End of change
If you use the changePassword script, the password changes and corresponding operations are performed automatically. For detailed information about the script, refer to Using the changePassword script. If you decide to proceed manually, consult Table 1 to determine if a change of password requires actions to be taken for a role on the different HCL Workload Automation components. Look up the role and the component and determine from the corresponding table cell where the changes must be made:
  • If the cell contains a "✓", make the change on the system where the indicated component is running
  • If the cell contains "MDM", make the change on the master domain manager to which the component belongs
Table 1. If and where password changes are required
HCL Workload Automation instance owner (Windows)
WebSphere Application Server user  
Database user    
Streamlogon user (Windows) MDM MDM
For example, if you are the TWS_user (the instance owner) of a fault-tolerant agent, you need to implement the password change on the system where the fault-tolerant agent is installed, but if you are also the streamlogon user of jobs running on that system, the changes required for the new password must be applied at the master domain manager to which the fault-tolerant agent belongs.

If you are not certain which user role you are playing, consult Determining the role of the user whose password has changed.

When you have determined what role you are playing, determine if you need to take any actions, and if so, where, by consulting Determining the actions to take.