HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Configuring the use of Lightweight Third-Party Authentication

About this task

The WebSphere Application Server uses the Lightweight Third-Party Authentication (LTPA) mechanism to propagate user credentials.

Depending on your circumstances, you might need to configure the use of the same LTPA token_keys between Dynamic Workload Console and the engine, or disable the automatic generation of the LTPA token_keys, or both:
Configuring for Single Sign-On
If you are configuring for Single Sign-On, between any version of Dynamic Workload Console and any engine, whether or not they are installed on the same system, you must configure both instances of WebSphere Application Server involved to use the same LTPA token_keys, and disable their automatic regeneration on expiry, following the procedures described in:
No Single Sign-On, and only one instance of WebSphere Application Server on a system
No action need to be taken.