HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Dynamic Workload Console response file templates

About this task

Edit the response file templates provided in the installation media in the \response_files\ directory. Instructions for customizing the files are included in the files as commented text.

Table 1 lists the response files and the types of installation each performs by platform:
Table 1. Installation response files
Type of installation Response file to use
Installing on Windows operating systems
Fresh Dynamic Workload Console
Installing on UNIX operating systems
Fresh Dynamic Workload Console
Table 2 lists the response files and the types of upgrade each performs by platform:
Table 2. Upgrade response files
Type of upgrade Response file to use
Upgrading on Windows operating systems
Dynamic Workload Console
Upgrading on UNIX operating systems
Dynamic Workload Console

For details about response file properties, see The Dynamic Workload Console response file properties.