Scenario 5: Time dependencies and run cycles
This scenario performs advanced scheduling using time dependencies and run cycles.
Scenario tasks and concepts:
- Managing time limits such as AT time and UNTIL time
- Releasing a time dependency
- Using run cycles to plan scheduling activities
Commands used in the scenario in their run sequence:
- "conman sj @#SMPL_SCHED_5_0_@.SMPL_JOB_5_0_@" (showjobs)
- "conman ddj @#SMPL_SCHED_5_0_1.SMPL_JOB_5_0_1;at;noask" (deldep)
- "conman sj @#SMPL_SCHED_5_0_1.SMPL_JOB_5_0_1" (showjobs)
- "conman rj @#SMPL_SCHED_5_0_1.SMPL_JOB_5_0_2" (release)
- "conman sj @#SMPL_SCHED_5_0_1.SMPL_JOB_5_0_2" (showjobs)
- "conman ss @#SMPL_SCHED_5-@" (showschedules)