HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Scenario 7: Recovery options and recovery jobs

This scenario shows some examples of recovery options and recovery jobs.

Scenario tasks and concepts:
  • Defining and using the STOP, CONTINUE, and RERUN recovery options
  • Understanding the use of recovery jobs to solve scheduling malfunctions
Commands used in the scenario in their run sequence:
  1. "conman reply SMPLPRM7;y" (reply)
  2. "conman sp SMPLPRM7" (showprompts)
  3. "conman sj @#SMPL_SCHED_7_0_1.@" (showjobs)
  4. "conman sj @#SMPL_SCHED_7_0_2.@" (showjobs)
  5. "conman sj @#SMPL_SCHED_7_0_3.@" (showjobs)