HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Scenario 9: Using variable tables

This scenario shows how you use variable tables to:
  • Change the behavior of jobs and job streams based on why they are scheduled to run. For example, you can create a job that runs different commands for different operating systems.
  • Change the behavior of jobs and job streams based on when they are scheduled to run, that is, on which days they run.
Commands used in the scenario in their run sequence:
  1. "composer disp vartable=SMPL_VAR_TABLE_9_0_?" (display)
  2. "composer disp vartable=MAIN_TABLE" (display)
  3. "composer disp job=SMPL_JOB_9_1_1" (display)
  4. "composer disp sched=SMPL_SCHED_9_1_1" (display)
  5. "conman sj SMPL_SCHED_9_1_1(1000).SMPL_JOB_9_1_1;info (showjobs)
  6. "conman sj SMPL_SCHED_9_1_1(1200).SMPL_JOB_9_1_1;info (showjobs)
Because the production plan has already been generated, you can see the following results:
  • The job stream added for the run cycle associated to the SMPL_VAR_TABLE_9_0_2 variable table contains the SMPL_JOB_9_1_1 job that launches the default command.
  • The job stream added for the run cycle associated to the SMPL_VAR_TABLE_9_0_1 variable table contains the SMPL_JOB_9_1_1 job that launches the command specified within the variable table.