HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4


Lists, or prints summary information about objects defined in the HCL Workload Automation database. List provides you with the list of objects names with their attributes. Print sends the list of objects names with their attributes to the device or file specified in the MAESTROLP local variable. The print command can be used to send the output to a local printer, if the MAESTROLP variable is set accordingly.


If the enListSecChk global option is set to yes on the master domain manager, then to list or print an object you must have either list access, or list and display access.

To list security objects, you must have permission for the display action on the object type file with attribute name=security.


{list | l}
{[calendars | calendar | cal=calname] |
[eventrule | erule | er=eventrulename] |
[parms | parm | vb=[tablename.]variablename] |
[vartable | vt=tablename] |
[prompts | prom=promptname] |
[resources | resource | res=[workstationame#]resourcename] |
[runcyclegroup | rcg=runcyclegroupname] |
[cpu={workstationame | workstationclassname | domainame}]  
[workstation | ws=workstationame] |
[workstationclass | wscl=workstationclassname] |
[domain | dom=domainame] |
[jobs | jobdefinition | jd=[workstationame#]jobname] |
[sched |jobstream | js= [workstationame#]jstreamname
   [valid from date|
    valid to date |valid in date date]
[users | user=[workstationame#]username] |
[accesscontrollist | acl for securitydomainname] |
[securitydomain | sdom=securitydomainname] |
[securityrole | srol=securityrolename]


calendars | calendar | cal
If no argument follows, lists or prints all calendar definitions.

If argument calname follows, lists or prints the calname calendar. Wildcard characters are permitted.

eventrule | erule | er
If no argument follows, lists or prints all event rule definitions.

If argument eventrulename follows, lists or prints the eventrulename event rule. Wildcard characters are permitted.

parms | parm | vb
If no argument follows, lists or prints all global variable definitions found in the default variable table.
If argument tablename.variablename follows, lists or prints the variablename variable of the tablename table. If tablename is omitted, composer looks for the variable definition in the default variable table. Wildcard characters can be used on both tablename and variablename. For example:
list parms=@.@
Lists all variables on all tables.
list parms=@
Lists all variables on the default table.
list parms=@.acct@
Lists all the variables whose name starts with acct on all the existing tables.
vartable | vt
If no argument follows, lists or prints all variable table definitions.

If argument tablename variable table follows, lists or prints the tablename variable table. Wildcard characters are permitted.

prompts | prom
If no argument follows, lists or prints all prompt definitions.

If argument promptname follows, lists or prints the promptname prompt. Wildcard characters are permitted.

resources | resource | res
If no argument follows, lists or prints all resource definitions.

If argument workstationame#resourcename follows, lists or prints the resourcename resource of the workstationame workstation on which the resource is defined. If workstationame is omitted, the default is the workstation on which composer is running. Wildcard characters are permitted for both workstationame and resourcename.

runcyclegroup | rcg
If no argument follows, lists or prints all run cycle groups.

If argument runcyclegroupname follows, lists or prints the runcyclegroupname run cycle group. Wildcard characters are permitted.

Lists or prints workstations, workstation classes, or domains.
The name of the workstation. Wildcard characters are permitted.
The name of the workstation class. Wildcard characters are permitted.
The name of the domain. Wildcard characters are permitted.
If no argument follows, lists or prints all workload application template definitions.

If argument workloadapplicationtemplate follows, lists or prints the specified workload application template. Wildcard characters are permitted.

workstation | ws
If no argument follows, lists or prints all workstation definitions.

If argument workstationname follows, lists or prints the workstationname workstation. Wildcard characters are permitted.

domain | dom
If no argument follows, lists or prints all domain definitions.

If argument domainname follows, lists or prints the domainname domain. Wildcard characters are permitted.

workstationclass | wscl
If no argument follows, lists or prints all workstation class definitions.

If argument workstationclassname follows, lists or prints the workstationclassname workstation class. Wildcard characters are permitted.

jobs | jobdefinition | jd
If no argument follows, lists or prints all job definitions.

If argument workstationame#jobname follows, lists or prints the jobname job of the workstationame workstation on which the job runs. If workstationame is omitted, the default is the workstation on which composer is running. Wildcard characters are permitted for both workstationame and jobname.

sched | jobstream | js
If no argument follows, lists or prints all job stream definitions.
If argument workstationame#jstreamname follows, lists or prints the jstreamname job stream of the workstationame workstation on which the job stream is defined. If workstationame is omitted, the default is the workstation on which composer is running. Wildcard characters are permitted for both workstationame and jstreamname.
valid from
date Restricts the selection to job streams that have a valid from date equal to the indicated value. The format is mm⁄dd⁄yyyy.
valid to
date Restricts the selection to job streams that have a valid to date equal to the indicated value. The format is mm⁄dd⁄yyyy.
valid in
date date The time frame during which the job stream can run. The format is mm⁄dd⁄yyyy - mm⁄dd⁄yyyy. One of the two dates can be represented by @.
users | user
If no argument follows, lists or prints all user definitions.
If argument workstationame#username follows, lists or prints the username user of the workstationame workstation on which the user is defined. If workstationame is omitted, the default is the workstation on which composer is running. Wildcard characters are permitted for both workstationame and username.
Note: If you are listing windows users in the UPN format username@internet_domain , insert the escape character '\' before the '@' character in the username@internet_domain value. For example if you are listing the administrator@bvt.com user, run the following command:
list users=administrator\@bvt.com
accesscontrollist | acl
If no securitydomainname argument follows, lists or prints the access control list definitions for all the security domains.

If argument securitydomainname follows, lists or prints the access control list definitions for the securitydomainname security domain. Wildcard characters are permitted for securitydomainname .

securitydomain | sdom
If no securitydomainname argument follows, lists or prints all the security domain definitions.

If argument securitydomainname follows, lists or prints the securitydomainname security domain definition. Wildcard characters are permitted for securitydomainname .

securityrole | srol
If no securityrolename argument follows, lists or prints all the security role definitions.

If argument securityrolename follows, lists or prints the securityrolename security role definition. Wildcard characters are permitted for securityrolename .

Sends the output of the command to the composer output device. For information about this device, see UNIX variables. The list ..... ;offline command is equivalent to the print command.


List provides you with the list of objects names with their attributes. Print sends the list of objects names with their attributes to the device or file set in the MAESTROLP local variable. The print command can be used to send the output to a local printer, if you set the MAESTROLP variable accordingly. Make sure the MAESTROLP is set in your environment before running the print command.

Depending on the value set in the MAESTROCOLUMNS local variable the different sets of information about the selected object can be shown.

Table 1 shows an example of the output produced according to the value set for the MAESTROCOLUMNS variable.
Table 1. Output formats for displaying scheduling objects
Object Type Output format if MAESTROCOLUMNS<120 Output format if MAESTROCOLUMNS ≥ 120
Calendar "CalendarName : UpdatedOn : UpdatedBy : LockedBy" "CalendarName : UpdatedBy : UpdatedOn : LockedBy : LockedOn"
Domain "DomainName : ParentDomain : Master : UpdatedOn : LockedBy" "DomainName : ParentDomain : Master : UpdatedBy : UpdatedOn : LockedBy : LockedOn"
Event rule "EventRuleName : Type : Draft : Status : UpdatedOn : LockedBy" "EventRuleName : Type : Draft : Status : UpdatedOn : LockedBy : LockedOn"
Job "Workstation : JobDefinitionName : UpdatedOn : LockedBy" "Workstation : JobDefinitionName : TaskType : UpdatedBy : LockedBy : LockedOn"
Job Stream "Workstation : JobstreamName : Validfrom : UpdatedOn : LockedBy" "Workstation : JobstreamName : Draft : ValidFrom : ValidTo : UpdatedBy : UpdatedOn : LockedBy : LockedOn"
Parameter "VariableTableName : VariableName : UpdatedOn : LockedBy" "VariableTableName : VariableName : UpdatedBy : UpdatedOn : LockedBy : LockedOn"
Prompt "PromptName : UpdatedOn : LockedBy " "PromptName : UpdatedBy : UpdatedOn : LockedBy : LockedOn"
Resource "Workstation : ResourceName : Quantity : UpdatedOn : LockedBy " "Workstation : ResourceName : Quantity : UpdatedBy : UpdatedOn : LockedBy : LockedOn"
Run cycle group "RunCycleGroupName : UpdatedOn : LockedBy " "RunCycleGroupName : UpdatedBy : UpdatedOn : LockedBy : LockedOn"
Variable Table "VariableTableName : Default : UpdatedOn : LockedBy " "VariableTableName : Default : UpdatedBy : UpdatedOn : LockedBy : LockedOn"
User "Workstation : UserName : UpdatedOn : LockedBy" "UserName : Workstation : UpdatedBy : UpdatedOn : LockedBy : LockedOn"
Workstation "WorkstationName : Type : Domain : Ignored : UpdatedOn : LockedBy" "WorkstationName : Type : Domain : OsType : Ignored : UpdatedBy : UpdatedOn : LockedBy : LockedOn"
Workstation Class "WorkstationClassName : Ignored : UpdatedOn : LockedBy" "WorkstationClassName : Ignored : UpdatedBy : UpdatedOn : LockedBy : LockedOn"

See Offline output for more information on how to set MAESTROLP.


  • To list all calendars, run the following command:
    list calendars=@
    this is a sample output:
    Calendar Name     Updated On  Locked By
    ----------------  ----------  ---------------------
    HOLIDAYS          03/02/2010  
    PAYDAYS           03/02/2010  
    HOLIDAYS          03/02/2010
      01/01/2010 02/15/2010 05/31/2010
    Calendar Name     Updated On  Locked By
    ----------------  ----------  ---------------------
    MONTHEND          01/01/2010  -
      "Month end dates 1st half 2010"
      01/31/2010 02/28/2010 03/31/2010 04/30/2010 05/31/2010 06/30/2010
    Calendar Name     Updated On  Locked By
    ----------------  ----------  ---------------------
    PAYDAYS           01/02/2010  -
      01/15/2010 02/15/2010 03/15/2010 04/15/2010 05/14/2010 06/15/2010
  • To list all your defined event rules, run the following command:
    list er=@
    If MAESTROCOLUMNS=80, the output looks something like this:
    Event Rule Name   Type       Draft  Status     Updated On  Locked By
    ----------------  ---------  -----  ---------  ----------  -------------
    EVENT-MULTIPLE1   filter            active     06/06/2009  -
    EVENT-MULTIPLE2   filter            active     06/06/2009  -
    EVENT-MULTIPLE3   filter            active     06/06/2009  -
    M_SUCC_12_S       sequence   Y      inactive   06/07/2009  -
    M_SUCC_12_S_A     filter            active     06/07/2009  -
    M_SUCC_12_S_B     filter     Y      inactive   06/07/2009  -
    NEWEVENTRULE      filter            active     06/01/2009  administrator
    If MAESTROCOLUMNS≥120, the output looks something like this:
    Event Rule Name         Type      Draft Status   Updated On  Locked By
    ---------------------   --------- ----- -------- ---------- ---------
    EVENT-MULTIPLE1         filter          active   06/06/2009 -
    EVENT-MULTIPLE2         filter          active   06/06/2009 -
    EVENT-MULTIPLE3         filter          active   06/06/2009 -
    M_SUCC_12_S             sequence   Y    inactive 06/07/2009 -
    M_SUCC_12_S_A           filter          active   06/07/2009 -
    M_SUCC_12_S_B           filter     Y    inactive 06/07/2009 -
    NEWEVENTRULE            filter          active   06/01/2009 administrator
  • To view the properties of the NC1150691 agent workstation, run the following command:
    list ws=NC1150691
    An output similar to the following is displayed:
    Workstation Name  Type     Domain            Ignored  Updated On  Locked By
    ----------------  -------  ----------------  -------  ----------  ----------
    NC1150691         agent    -                          03/31/2010  -
    CPUNAME NC1150691
      DESCRIPTION "This workstation was automatically created at agent 
                   installation time."
      OS WNT
      NODE nc115069.romelab.it.ibm.com SECUREADDR 22114
        TYPE AGENT
  • To view the properties of the POOL_A pool workstation, including all its members, run the following command:
    list ws=POOL_A
    An output similar to the following is displayed:
    Workstation Name  Type     Domain            Ignored  Updated On  Locked By
    ----------------  -------  ----------------  -------  ----------  ----------------
    POOL_A            pool     -                          03/31/2010  -
      DESCRIPTION "This is a manually created pool"
      OS OTHER
      TIMEZONE America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
        TYPE POOL

See also

From the Dynamic Workload Console you can perform the same tasks as described in:

the Dynamic Workload Console User's Guide.