A calendar is a list of dates that define when a job stream runs.

Calendar in a distributed environment
A calendar can also be designated as a non-working days calendar in a job stream. A non-working days calendar is a calendar that is assigned to a job stream to represent the days when the job stream and its jobs do not run. It can also be used to designate Saturdays or Sundays, or both, as workdays. The default non-working days calendar for all job streams is called the holidays calendar.

Calendar in a z/OS environment
The calendar specifies normal working days and public holidays. HCL Workload Automation for z/OS uses the calendar to determine when job streams are scheduled and to calculate dates for JCL tailoring.
You can specify the calendar when you create a job stream. If no calendar is specified for the job stream, HCL Workload Automation for z/OS uses the calendar in the CALENDAR keyword of the BATCHOPT initialization statement, for batch services such as extending the long-term plan, or the calendar specified under the HCL Workload Automation for z/OS options, for online services such as testing a rule with GENDAYS.
If no calendar is specified, a calendar with the name DEFAULT is used. If the DEFAULT calendar does not exist, all days are considered as working days. You can have several calendars, but always name your default calendar DEFAULT, and specify the same calendar name on BATCHOPT or in the HCL Workload Automation for z/OS options. A calendar must contain at least one working day.