Conman commands
Table 1 lists
the conman commands. Command names and keywords can be entered
in either uppercase or lowercase characters, and can be abbreviated
to as few leading characters as are needed to uniquely distinguish
them from each other. Some of the command names also have specific
short forms.
Note: The workstation types in the following table have
these meanings:
- D
- Dynamic domain managers, backup domain managers
- M
- Master domain managers and backup masters
- F
- Domain managers and fault-tolerant agents
- T
- Fault-tolerant agents
- S
- Standard agents (you can only display files on a standard agent)
Command | Short Form | Description | Type | Page |
adddep { job | sched } | adj | ads | Adds job or job stream dependencies. | F | |
altjob | aj | Modifies a job in the plan before it runs. | F | altjob |
altpass | Alters a user object definition password. | F | altpass | |
altpri | ap | Alters job or job stream priorities. | F | altpri |
bulk_discovery | bulk | Performs a bulk discovery. For use with IBM Tivoli Monitoring 6.1 (Tivoli Enterprise Portal). | F | bulk_discovery |
cancel { job | sched } | cj | cs | Cancels a job or a job stream. | F | |
checkhealthstatus | chs | Invokes chkhltst service to check if mailbox can be successfully read by mailman or if there are errors in the mailbox header. | MFS | checkhealthstatus |
confirm | conf | Confirms job completion. | F | confirm |
console | cons | Assigns the HCL Workload Automation console. | FS | console |
continue | cont | Ignores the next error. | FS | continue |
deldep { job | sched } | ddj | dds | Deletes job or job stream dependencies. | F | |
deployconf | deploy | Gets the latest monitoring configuration for the event monitoring engine on the workstation. | FS | deployconf |
display { file | job | sched } | df | dj | ds | Displays files, jobs, and job streams. | FS | display |
exit | e | Exits conman. | FS | exit |
fence | f | Sets HCL Workload Automation job fence. | F | fence |
help(1) | h | Displays command information. | FS | help |
kill | k | Stops an executing job. | F | kill |
limit { cpu | sched } | lc | ls | Changes a workstation or job stream job limit. | F | |
link | lk | Opens workstation links. | FS | link |
listsym | lis | Displays a list of Symphony log files. | F | listsym |
listsucc | Lists the successors of a job. | F | Listsucc | |
recall | rc | Displays prompt messages. | F | recall |
redo | red | Edits the previous command. | FS | redo |
release { job | sched } | rj | rs | Releases job or job stream dependencies. | F | |
reply | rep | Replies to prompt message. | F | reply |
rerun | rr | Reruns a job. | F | rerun |
rerunsucc | Reruns a job and runs its successors. | F | Rerunsucc | |
resetFTA | N/A | Recovers a corrupt Symphony file on the specified fault-tolerant agent | T | resetFTA |
resource | res | Changes the number of resource units. | F | resource |
setsym | set | Selects a Symphony log file. | F | setsym |
showcpus | sc | Displays workstation and link information. | FS | showcpus |
showdomain | showd | Displays domain information. | FS | showdomain |
showfiles | sf | Displays information about files. | F | showfiles |
showjobs | sj | Displays information about jobs. | F | showjobs |
showprompts | sp | Displays information about prompts. | F | showprompts |
showresources | sr | Displays information about resources. | F | showresources |
showschedules | ss | Displays information about job streams. | F | showschedules |
shutdown | shut | Stops HCL Workload Automation production processes. | FS | shutdown |
start | Starts HCL Workload Automation production processes. | FS | start | |
startappserver | Starts the WebSphere Application Server process | DM | startappserver | |
startbrokerapp | Starts the dynamic workload broker application. | DM | startbrokerapp | |
starteventprocessor | startevtp | Starts the event processing server. | M(2) | starteventprocessor |
startmon | startm | Starts the monman process that turns on the event monitoring engine on the agent. | FS | startmon |
status | stat | Displays HCL Workload Automation production status. | FS | status |
stop | Stops HCL Workload Automation production processes. | FS | stop | |
stop ;progressive | Stops HCL Workload Automation production processes hierarchically. | stop ;progressive | ||
stopappserver | stopapps | Stops the WebSphere Application Server process | DM | stopappserver |
stopbrokerapp | Stops the dynamic workload broker application. | DM | stopbrokerapp | |
stopeventprocessor | stopevtp | Stops the event processing server. | M(2) | stopeventprocessor |
stopmon | stopm | Stops the event monitoring engine on the agent. | FS | stopmon |
submit { docommand | file | job | sched } | sbd | |
Submits a command, file, job, or job stream. | FS(3) | |
switcheventprocessor | switchevtp | Switches the event processing server from master domain managers to backup masters or vice versa. | M | switcheventprocessor |
switchmgr | switchm | Switches the domain manager. | F | switchmgr |
system-command | Sends a command to the system. | FS | system command | |
tellop | to | Sends a message to the console. | FS | tellop |
unlink | Closes workstation links. | FS | unlink | |
version | v | Displays conman's command line program banner. | FS | version |
- Not available on supported Windows operating system.
- Includes workstations installed as backup masters but used as ordinary fault-tolerant agents.
- You can use submit job (sbj) and submit sched (sbs) on a standard agent by using the connection parameters or specifying the settings in the useropts file when invoking the conman command line.
Note: In the commands, the terms sched and schedule refer
to job streams, and the term CPU refers to workstation.